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Plagiarism may include but is not limited to: Using the exact words, even short phrases, from a source without quotation marks and/or without proper citation Using the sentence structure of an author without proper citation Paraphrasing ideas or words obtained from a source without proper citation Summarizing ideas obtained from a source without proper citation Attributing material to a source other than the source from which the material was obtained (faking citations) Submitting work prepared by someone else, including work obtained from internet essay sites or other students Helping other students to plagiarize on an essay or during a test by allowing them to copy or transmitting answers to them in other ways Using an assignment for more than one class without the express permission of both instructors Citing a source in the text of a paper but not providing full documentation of the source in a bibliography or works cited page, OR documenting sources on a works cited page or bibliography but not providing source citation in the text of the paper Writing a group paper which each student turns in as his or her own work English Department statement concerning plagiarism in creative writing courses: In rare cases in upper-level creative writing courses, students may incorporate the techniques of meta-fiction or postmodernism and, therefore, vary their methods of documenting sources. Yet even in those circumstances, students must be careful not to quote either directly or indirectly extensively without providing documentation customary to the genre unless the material is so familiar that it has become part of the public domain. Work that is free from plagiarism clearly distinguishes between the writers thoughts and/or words and those of outside sources. Cheating: using unauthorized notes, study aids, technology, or other devices during an examination or quiz; looking at another students work during the examination or quiz when collaboration is not allowed; trying to communicate with others in order to get help during an examination or quiz; preparing a written answer to an exam question prior to the examination period and submitting as an in-class essay; bringing an entire essay to an exam period when only an outline is allowed and pretending that the essay was written in class. Fabrication and Falsification: purposely altering information or inventing information, citation, or data. Some examples may include: 1. A student changes a graded work and then challenges the instructors evaluation. 2. A student invents a reference source or provides a false claim of how the information was gathered or collected; false citation of a source of information (e.g. listing an author, title, or page number as the source for the obtained information, but the material actually came from another source). (see also plagiarism) 3. A student forges signatures or falsifies information on forms, such as drop/add forms, incomplete forms, petitions, letters of excuse or permission, grade reports, or any other official University document. Multiple Submissions: submitting the same work or substantial portions of the same work in a course for credit more than once without the permission of the instructor; submitting the same work in more than one course without the permission of both instructors. (see also plagiarism) Complicity: knowingly allowing another student to copy ones work during an examination or knowingly allowing another student to copy ones essay, research project, or other assignments; failing to adequately protect test answers, notes, essays, or other projects or assignments. Abuse of Academic Materials: purposely destroying, stealing, or making materials inaccessible for others; removing materials from the library without formally checking them out; refusing to return reserved materials. Unauthorized Possession: buying or stealing exams; selling exams; failing to return exams to the instructor; photocopying exams; any unauthorized possession of exams. Misrepresenting: taking an exam or quiz or completing any academic assignment for another person; having someone do the same for him/her. 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